Eighty-pound Pug

(sorted chronologically)

Alex Lozupone
Paul Feitzinger
David Tamura
Tommy Occhiogrosso
Ken Huang
John P Spreaders
Kevin Shea
Yuan Liu
Takuma Kanaiwa
Keith Abrams
Michael Durek
Ayumi Ishito
Chris Bacas
Fred Schneider
Ken Chia
Borts Minorts
Elliott Levin
Jack Warren
Mike McGinnis
Mara Mayer
Glenn Cornett
Eli Chalmer
Malcolm Hoyt
Jen Kutler
Isaiah Richardson Jr.
Amber Brien
Steve Dalachinsky
Bruce Mack
Nick Kirshnit
Julia Chen
Kyungmi Lee
Stefan Zeniuk
Nonoko Yoshida
Diana Kinschief
Aubrey Smith
Garrett Williams
Rock Savage
Billy Cancel
Stan Zenkoff
Xavier Del Castillo
Matt Luczak
Phil Kester
Lorin Roser
Roy Yegerman
Daniel Carter
Nick Fox-gieg
Mike McCann
Barbara Solsky
Robert Dick
Adam Caine
Reggie Sylvester

Born into his 63rd life in 2006, Borts Minorts has lived in San Francisco, New York City and Los Angeles with an alumni of 17 MINORCHESTRAL member / musicians and 13 dancers. Borts fits in nowhere and everywhere. Even the most jaded can't help but to leave a Borts show smiling! On occasion he collaborates with the Pug for high-energy chaos.

Photo by Max Randall Branigan

First Meetings
When The Flowers Bloom In Baltimore
Silent Barn Decimation
A Fun House
Fontana's Decimation
Flat Decimation
Fat Meeting
Hank's Decimation